Rabu, 10 April 2013


Bd, 10 April 2013

Masih jam 11 siang, masih di kantor dengan kerjaan rutin yang udah beres sih (menurut aku, hehe)
Perut masih kenyang gegara efek sarapan nasi soto yang lumayan cetar porsinya, alhamdulillah, si kakaknya mau, jadi ummi ga mual pas maemnya, pinter ya naaakk...

Iseng corat coret lagi, hasilnya ya postingan "nomaden" itu, hahahaha, sekalian curcol yaa...
Sambil nulis sambil dengerin mp3 dari bb aku yang beberapa minggu lalu sempet ditransferin lagu sama adek, tapi belum sempet didengerin...
Biar ga ribet, di shuffle song aja lah, biar kaya radio, muterin lagunya ngacak, hihihi...
Ga lama, ada lagu yang ditelinga langsung nancep aja chord nya, liriknya, aransemennya, enak ni lagu...
Pasti hasil transfer lagu kemaren deh, penasaran, dilihat deh judul lagunya...

Ternyata lagu alternative rock ini judulnya Wide Awake, yang dinyanyiin sama band Making April.
Makin penasaran, googling-lah lirik lagunya, biar bisa sembari nyanyi gitu,, hohoho...
nih liriknya


My mistake
You should never be afraid to cut your losses
Now I know, now I know
It was mine to make
I was putting up a fight for worthless causes
Now I know, just let it go

I was dying for our moment to arrive,
Now I'm running further just to feel alive.

Don't wanna get caught up
Dreaming of your love
'Cause when I open my eyes
There's not a shot in this life
I might as well give up
And save all my good luck
For when I've got the extra change.
You can move aside
'Cause now I'm wide awake

Calling out
You don't even pick it up on nights and weekends
Over and over.

Talk about
Not giving up for all the wrongest reasons
Over and over

How was I misled for so much time?
When it's all been said and done I'll be alright

Don't wanna get caught up
Dreaming of your love
'Cause when I open my eyes
There's not a shot in this life
I might as well give up
And save all my good luck
For when I've got the extra change
You can move aside
'Cause now I'm wide awake

But is it getting any better yet?
Is it getting any better yet?
Is it getting any better yet?

The word is out that I'm not giving in
And if you're ready by now,
Well it's too late to begin

Don't wanna get caught up
Dreaming of your love
'Cause when I open my eyes...

Don't wanna get caught up
Dreaming of your love
'Cause when I open my eyes
There's not a shot in this life
I might as well give up
And save all my good luck
For when I've got the extra change
You can move aside
'Cause now I'm wide awake.

Hem, setelah itu penasaran sama band nya, searching deh biografinya, biar ga ribet, langsung deh buka wikipedia... ternyata band Making April ini piano-based alternative rock band, lengkapnya ini nih http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Making_April

nih penampakannya

Terobati sudah penasarannya... hihihi...

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